The Final Battle Part 3

The Final Battle Part 3

Jacob Wilder

The last time we saw our bearded adventurers, the heroes engaged the insidious Enchantress and her undead horde. The Marksman attempted to stealthily end the conflict, however, the Enchantress was too quick, telekinetically stopping and splintering the killing in mid-air. The Enchantress responded by blasting the Marksman’s position with cosmic energy. From there the battle began. Several of our mighty heroes attempted to engage the Enchantress, however, only the powerful Wizard was able to match the Enchantress’ immense power. While the rest of the heroes held back the undead guards the Wizard dueled with the Enchantress, trading magical blows. The Enchantress and Wizard lock in a powerful magical stalemate before disappearing in a flash…


Snow is falling in a near white-out on top of a mountain peak in another dimension far from the Fable-verse. The mountain peak stands supreme over the whole surrounding area, nothing else challenging its vertical superiority. For leagues and leagues, there is nothing but ice and snow, a world covered in a never-ending blizzard. 

Suddenly a flash of light appears at the top of the mountain and the Wizard and the Enchantress explode out of nowhere, falling into the freshly fallen snow. They slide down nearly 30 feet from the summit of the mountain to a small alcove jutting out of the side of the mountain. The Wizard turns to face the Enchantress, the bitter winds buffeting his bearded face. 

The Wizard and the Enchantress leap to their feet and continue their duel. The Enchantress fires a green magic bolt at the Wizard. The Wizard responds by twirling his staff, conjuring a bright blue shield made of a cloud of cosmic energy. The shield absorbs the bolt and then the Wizard fires back, shooting three blue orbs at the Enchantress. The Enchantress ducks the first orb and blocks the other two with her scepter. She then waves her scepter, casting a beam of green magical energy at the Wizard. The beam travels higher than intended, cutting through thousands of years of snow and ice. 

The ground begins to shake as thousands of years of snow and ice turns loose from the side of the mountain. The Wizard casts a blue protective bubble, shielding him from the falling ice and snow. The Enchantress turns her scepter towards the oncoming ice slide, unleashing a massive plume of green flame, incinerating all of the falling snow and ice. 

The conditions on the mountain settle and the Enchantress again turns her attention to the Wizard. The Wizard has been waiting, charging another magical attack. The two simultaneously cast their attacks, the magical beams meeting in the middle. Once again, a large bright burning orb forms between the adversaries, growing until it explodes in a flash. 


The Wizard and the Enchantress burst into another dimension, and the air is immediately forced out of their lungs, whether by awe or by the rushing of the wind as they free fall, neither can be sure. The hostile pairing is careening through a strange, multicolor space, colored like oil in a puddle of water. The space seems to continue for infinity, glistening in a blue/red kaleidoscope of colors.

The Wizard flattens his body, The Wizard’s cloak flaps as air whips past him. He’s suddenly jarred from his amazement, as a green blast of cosmic energy slams into his side, sending him tumbling away. The Wizard reorients and then shoots a large volley of small fiery spheres at the Enchantress, several streaks by but several also hit home, causing the Enchantress to enter into a spin. 

Suddenly the Enchantress corrects and casts a strange green tendril at the Wizard that latches to his chest. The Enchantress spends with her scepter, telekinetically throwing the Wizard downward (if indeed they were falling down). 

The Wizard tumbles and his vision blurs. Bright spots dance across his field of view as the corners of his vision darken from the sudden acceleration.

The Wizard once again spreads his body, bringing his body back into a stable orientation. He rolls over to see the Enchantress diving, her scepter straight out.

The Enchantress casts a magic beam at the Wizard who casts his own beam of magic to meet it. As before, the beams collide and the collision point begins to grow brighter and brighter till it erupts again, enveloping the Wizard and the Enchantress.


A man sits in his cozy little living room, MacBook perched in his lap. An old episode of South Park plays in the background on the TV. The man is younger, nearly 25 years old, but he sports a thick, well-trimmed, dark chestnut beard. His beard smells of green clover and Irish mist, a by-product of the beard care products he used that morning. It’s the weekend and he’s deep in the recliner creating content for a beard care company. He reaches for his can of blood orange/grapefruit Bubly, taking a large gulp from the can and then setting it back down. Usually, the process flows from his fingers, unfortunately, today it is a struggle.

All of a sudden the Wizard and the Enchantress materialize in his living room. The writer recoils hard at the sudden intrusion, confused by the two figures now standing in his living room. The adversaries stop for a split second, sizing up their situation. The living room is small, filled with couches, pictures, an elliptical machine, and a couple of coffee tables. The Enchantress strikes first, jabbing at the Wizard with her scepter. The Wizard uses his staff to block the scepter, pushing the Enchantress back, casting several flaming fireballs at the Enchantress. She deflects the fireballs with her scepter, sending them crashing into the walls. 

“HEY HEY HEY,” cries the Writer in protest. 

The Enchantress closes the gap between her and the Wizard, striking with her scepter, now crackling with tendrils of electricity. The Wizard blocks the scepter with his staff, glowing with blue cosmic energy. The dueling magic-welders stumble around the living room, crashing into the elliptical machine. The Enchantress pushes the Wizard back, shooting a bolt of electricity across the room. The Wizard ducks, allowing the pulse to pass over him and strike the wall, leaving a black burn mark.

The Wizard and Enchantress continue trading blows with their respective staff and scepter, all the while building power with each strike. Each strike, counter-strike, and block increases the power being drawn by both duelists. The staff gathers a blue cloud of cosmic energy while the scepter begins to arc with electricity. The Wizard rains down a two-handed downward blow, flowed by a quick swipe and jab, with the jab finding the Enchantress’ shoulder, sending her back into a table holding family pictures and a lamp. Several of the pictures fall to the floor along with the lamp with shatters upon hitting the ground. The Enchantress roars, slashing and hacking at the Wizard, none of the strikes landing but the force of each attack visibly wearing on the Wizard.

The pair lash out with their weapons simultaneously connecting. Their weapons flow brightly, a bright sphere developing where the weapons connect. A bright flash follows, leaving nothing but a confused writer in its wake. The Writer struggles to understand what he just saw, thinking to himself, “Who will pay for this property damage?”


Narrated by Brandon Warner

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