The Barkeep - A Unscented Blend Beard Balm
The Barkeep - A Unscented Blend Beard Balm
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Concocting drinks at the bar for all the men requires great skill and charisma. The Barkeep can help you with that. It is Fable Beard Co's unscented beard balm. A super hydration blend of oils and butters that will leave your beard smooth and soft without any of the overwhelming scents for people who have skin allergies or are sensitive to smells.
Those who serve and have to keep interesting conversations can do well with this beard balm. The Barkeep comes complete with 5 different carrier oils—coconut, castor, jojoba, argan, and sweet almond, along with shea butter and beeswax—you’ll grow a beard worthy of Fables.
Just a 2oz tin for beard greatness. Before you get into blending the most refreshing of drinks, apply some beard balm and let it condition. Great for everyday use for any occasion. You can apply this beard balm up to two times a day and each time you will enjoy 4-6 hours of unscented glory. Be the man that everybody else in the bar wants to be like.
"Travelers come and go but, they all leave me with some amazing stories!" - The Barkeep
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The best unscented balm made!!
I bought the Barkeep Balm for when Fable has their free oil with purchase offers and the oil doesn’t have a matching butter/balm. It has great hold and keeps the flyaways in check.
I have the unscented Beard Oil & Balm. I have used them all week. My beard has been soft & easy to style. Thanks so much for making wonderful products!
Very good! It’s mix very well with any oil! Love it!