The Druid - Beard Oil - Creek Moss, Tobacco Leaf, and Bergamot
The Druid - Beard Oil - Creek Moss, Tobacco Leaf, and Bergamot
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The Druid - Smoky Tobacco Leaf, Carnelian Bergamot, Rainforest Woods, Creekside Stone Moss, and Earthy Musk.
Behold the enchanting scent of a mystical druid's realm, where the smoky and sweet aroma of tobacco leaf mingles with the fresh citrus notes of bergamot, creating a truly magical and otherworldly fragrance.
As you journey through this olfactory adventure, you will be transported to a forest of ancient trees, where notes of cedarwood, patchouli, and sandalwood mingle with the natural scents of moss, creek side stones, and earthy musk.
This scent profile evokes the essence of a druid character, blending natural elements with a touch of magic to create a captivating and mystical fragrance that is sure to leave you spellbound.
So immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the druid with this magical scent, and experience the wonder of nature like never before.
The Wizards Promise
- Castor Oil - High in vitamin E and omega 6 fatty acids, excellent for conditioning.
- Coconut Oil - Adds shine, softness, and helps prevent hair breakage
- Sweet Almond Oil -Sealant and beard protector
- Argan Oil - Anti-Oxidant, UV Protector, High in Vitamin E
- Jojoba Oil - Promotes beard strength and rich in vitamins and minerals
- Fragrance Oil - Skin-safe and meets IFRA Standards
If you aren’t amazed by The Wizard's magic or the fragrance you purchased just isn't for you, we'll exchange it for another fragrance—no questions asked. Just contact The Princess
Love the idea and imagery. As a huge D&D nerd, I have watched this company from the beginning and finally got my first order. Customer service is fantastic, shipping speed is epic, and the interaction from the Wizard is too much fun. Unfortunately, I did not like any of the sents. Maybe it's just me, but out of the three, I really didn't care the sent profile of any of them. But because everything else was above reproach, I will be ordering again someday.
Very interesting scent. Like the smell of a stagnant water puddle in the middle of the forest. I kind of like it, kind of hate it.
I found fable beard company several years ago and bought some products for my son for Christmas. He loved the scents and the product sand how it made his beard feel and shine. His wife loves it too. It is now our tradition that I get him Fable Beard products every year for Christmas.
Excellent product, my beard is soft and healthy and the scent lasts all day 5 stars
Title says it all.