
Fable Beard Co's - The Hero - They Never Learn - Episode 3

Fable Beard Co's - The Hero - They Never Learn ...

“That’s my girl there,” growled the lead man as the others began to rise from their seats, save for the rotten-toothed man leaning against the wall, lost in his oral...

Fable Beard Co's - The Hero - They Never Learn ...

“That’s my girl there,” growled the lead man as the others began to rise from their seats, save for the rotten-toothed man leaning against the wall, lost in his oral...

A 2020 Fable Christmas Story

A 2020 Fable Christmas Story

The tavern grew quiet again, the patrons gazing around the room in wonder, trying to determine the source of the gift. That’s when they began to notice the decorations and...


A 2020 Fable Christmas Story

The tavern grew quiet again, the patrons gazing around the room in wonder, trying to determine the source of the gift. That’s when they began to notice the decorations and...

Fable Beard Co's Captain Crimson - Red Turns To Crimson - Episode 1

Fable Beard Co's Captain Crimson - Red Turns To...

I am called Red because I manifested that color, a bright, brave, outstanding pirate. Conqueror of battles, and today I'd change that because I have become more than that. The...

Fable Beard Co's Captain Crimson - Red Turns To...

I am called Red because I manifested that color, a bright, brave, outstanding pirate. Conqueror of battles, and today I'd change that because I have become more than that. The...

Fable Beard Co's The Patriot - Nightcrawler Troubles - Episode 1

Fable Beard Co's The Patriot - Nightcrawler Tro...

"How many children have been victims of this?" The Patriot asked with a deep furrow between his brows. Something told him the children must have been victims, and he wanted to...


Fable Beard Co's The Patriot - Nightcrawler Tro...

"How many children have been victims of this?" The Patriot asked with a deep furrow between his brows. Something told him the children must have been victims, and he wanted to...

Fable Beard Co's The Engineer - The Wizard's Secret - Episode 4

Fable Beard Co's The Engineer - The Wizard's Se...

He seemed to have zapped from my face, and I heard him speak from behind in the same second, and right behind my left ear. “Sshh! Are you worthy?” the...

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Fable Beard Co's The Engineer - The Wizard's Se...

He seemed to have zapped from my face, and I heard him speak from behind in the same second, and right behind my left ear. “Sshh! Are you worthy?” the...

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Fable Beard Co's Captain Red - The Dead Isles - Episode 4

Fable Beard Co's Captain Red - The Dead Isles -...

The dragon was indeed the face of death. The leaping of fire from its mouth cautioned Captain Red and his men from taking any step further. One could tell that when it...

Fable Beard Co's Captain Red - The Dead Isles -...

The dragon was indeed the face of death. The leaping of fire from its mouth cautioned Captain Red and his men from taking any step further. One could tell that when it...

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